Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (2024)

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Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (55)

'); infowindow.setContent('

' + locations[i][4] + '

' + locations[i][3] + '

Get Direction'); infowindow.open(map, marker); } })(marker, i)); }}function getlatlong(lat, lon) { window.open( 'https://maps.google.com/?q=' + lat + ',' + lon, '_blank' );} initialize(); data3 = []; fuelData = []; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { if(this.readyState === 4) { res = JSON.parse(this.responseText);//console.log(res);//res= this.responseText; fuelLocation = res.RO_Details; var State = []; var newLocations = []; for (i = 0; i < fuelLocation.length; i++) { if (fuelLocation[i].latitude != 0 && fuelLocation[i].longitude != 0) { var str = { "name": fuelLocation[i].Roname, "state": fuelLocation[i].State, "city": fuelLocation[i].City, "address": fuelLocation[i].Roaddress1, "lattitude": fuelLocation[i].latitude, "longitude": fuelLocation[i].longitude, "type": 1, "pincode": fuelLocation[i].Ropincode, "rocode": fuelLocation[i].Rocode, "roid": fuelLocation[i].Roid, // "Dealername": fuelLocation[i].Dealername, // "Dealerphone": fuelLocation[i].Dealerphone, "Territory": fuelLocation[i].Territory } newLocations.push(str); State.push(fuelLocation[i].State); } } data3 = newLocations; let unique = State.filter((item, i, ar) => ar.indexOf(item) === i); unique = unique.sort(); var s_html = '

'; for (i = 0; i < unique.length; i++) { s_html += '

'; } document.getElementById("stateSelect").innerHTML = s_html; //console.clear(); } }); //xhr.open("GET", "/themes/custom/jiobp/fuel-data-json/LocationAPIOutput.txt"); //xhr.open("GET", "/themes/custom/jiobp/fuel-data-json/rdata.txt");xhr.open("POST", "/locatorapi.php") xhr.send(); var fuelPriceLoc = []; /*var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { if(this.readyState === 4) { res = JSON.parse(this.responseText); fuelPrice = res.RODetail var fuelPriceLoc = []; for (i = 0; i < fuelPrice.length; i++) { var str = { "rocode": fuelPrice[i].ROCode, "roid": fuelPrice[i].ROID, "Product": fuelPrice[i].Product, "Price": fuelPrice[i].Price, "date": fuelPrice[i].DTStartDate } fuelPriceLoc.push(str); } fuelData = fuelPriceLoc } }); xhr.open("GET", "/themes/custom/jiobp/fuel-data-json/PriceAPIOutput.txt"); xhr.send();*/ function getCity() { d = document.getElementById("stateSelect").value; City = []; for (i = 0; i < data3.length; i++) { if(d == data3[i].state && data3[i].city != '') { City.push(data3[i].city); } } var s_html = '

'; let Cityunique = City.filter((item, i, ar) => ar.indexOf(item) === i); Cityunique = Cityunique.sort(); for (i = 0; i < Cityunique.length; i++) { s_html += '

'; } document.getElementById("citySelect").innerHTML = s_html; } //data3 = JSON.parse(data3); //fuelData = JSON.parse(fuelData); var resultBtn = document.querySelector(".show_result"); var reset_btn = document.querySelector(".reset_btn"); var form__results = document.querySelector(".form__results"); var form__inputs = document.querySelector(".form__inputs"); var stateSelect = document.querySelector("#stateSelect"); var citySelect = document.querySelector("#citySelect"); var form_locator = document.querySelector("#form_locator"); var form__resetSec = document.querySelector(".form__resetSec"); resultBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {if (citySelect.value == "" && stateSelect.value == "" && form_locator.value == "") {alert('Please select state & city or enter a pincode.');}if (citySelect.value !== "" && stateSelect.value !== "") {if (form_locator.value == "") { var data_html = '';var fuelPriceLoc = [];for(var i = 0; i < data3.length; i++) { if(stateSelect.value == data3[i].state && citySelect.value == data3[i].city) {var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();xhr.withCredentials = true;var data = new FormData();data.append("roid", data3[i].roid);xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {if(this.readyState === 4) {res = JSON.parse(this.responseText);fuelPrice = res.RODetail;fuelResponseFlag = res.Response.ResponseFlag;if(fuelResponseFlag == 'S'){for (i = 0; i < fuelPrice.length; i++) {var str = {"rocode": fuelPrice[i].ROCode, "roid": fuelPrice[i].ROID, "DTStartDate": fuelPrice[i].DTStartDate, "Product": fuelPrice[i].Product, "Price": fuelPrice[i].Price, "date": fuelPrice[i].DTStartDate}fuelPriceLoc.push(str);}}fuelData = fuelPriceLoc;}});xhr.open("POST", "/PriceAPIOutput.php");xhr.send(data);}}setTimeout(function(){console.log(fuelData); for(var i = 0; i < data3.length; i++) { if(stateSelect.value == data3[i].state && citySelect.value == data3[i].city) { var Roname = data3[i].name; var State = data3[i].state; var City = data3[i].city; var Rocode = data3[i].rocode; var Roid = data3[i].roid; var latitude = data3[i].lattitude; var longitude = data3[i].longitude; var Roaddress1 = data3[i].address; var Type = data3[i].type; var Diesel = ''; var Petrol = ''; var LPG = '';document.getElementById('tag_state').innerHTML = State;document.getElementById('tag_city').innerHTML = City; for(var j = 0; j < fuelData.length; j++) { if(Roid == fuelData[j].roid) { if(fuelData[j].Product == 'Diesel') { Diesel = fuelData[j].Price; DTStartDate = fuelData[j].DTStartDate; } if(fuelData[j].Product == 'Petrol') { Petrol = fuelData[j].Price; DTStartDate = fuelData[j].DTStartDate; } if(fuelData[j].Product == 'Auto LPG') { LPG = fuelData[j].Price; DTStartDate = fuelData[j].DTStartDate; } } } data_html += '

'; data_html += '

' + Roname + '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

RO Code: ' + Rocode + '

'; data_html += '

RO ID: ' + Roid + '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += ''; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; if(LPG != '') { data_html += '

'; data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (56)'; data_html += '

' + LPG + ' Rs/LtrLocate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (57)Last Updated on: ' + DTStartDate + '

'; data_html += '

'; } if(Diesel != '') { data_html += '

'; data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (58)'; data_html += '

' + Diesel + ' Rs/LtrLocate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (59)Last Updated on: ' + DTStartDate + '

'; data_html += '

'; } if(Petrol != '') { data_html += '

'; data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (60)'; data_html += '

' + Petrol + ' Rs/LtrLocate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (61)Last Updated on: ' + DTStartDate + '

'; data_html += '

'; } data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; //data_html += '

'; data_html += '

' + Roname + '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

RO Code: ' + Rocode + '

'; data_html += '

RO ID: ' + Roid + '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += ''; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; if(LPG != '') { data_html += '

'; data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (62)'; data_html += '

' + LPG + ' Rs/Ltr

'; data_html += '

'; } if(Diesel != '') { data_html += '

'; data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (63)'; data_html += '

' + Diesel + ' Rs/Ltr

'; data_html += '

'; } if(Petrol != '') { data_html += '

'; data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (64)'; data_html += '

' + Petrol + ' Rs/Ltr

'; data_html += '

'; } data_html += '

'; data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (65)

';// data_html += '

Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (66)

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (67)';// data_html += '


';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (68)';// data_html += '

Air Service

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (69)';// data_html += '


';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (70)';// data_html += '

Drinking Water

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (71)';// data_html += '

Truck Stop

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += 'Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (72)';// data_html += '

Food Plaza

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

';// data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; data_html += '

'; locations.push({ "0": data3[i]['lattitude'], "1": data3[i]['longitude'], "2": data3[i]['type'], "3": data3[i]['address'], "4": data3[i]['name'] }); } } form__results.innerHTML = data_html; addMarker1(locations); locations = []; form__results.classList.remove("d-none"); form__inputs.classList.add("d-none"); form__resetSec.classList.remove("d-none");const result_card_swiper = new Swiper(".result_card_swiper", { // Optional parameters direction: "horizontal", slidesPerView: "auto", spaceBetween: 4, // Navigation arrows navigation: { nextEl: ".swiper-button-next", prevEl: ".swiper-button-prev", }, }); } else { alert("Please enter only location or select city and state"); } } });function addMarker1(lat, lon, type, address, name, contentString) { locations.push({ "0": lat, "1": lon, "2": type, "3": address, "4": name }); if (marker && marker.setMap) { marker.setMap(null); } var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); var icons = { 1: { icon: '/themes/custom/jiobp/assets/images/icons/map-locator-pin.svg' }, 2: { icon: '/themes/custom/jiobp/assets/images/icons/map-locator-pin.svg' }, 3: { icon: '/themes/custom/jiobp/assets/images/icons/map-locator-pin.svg' }, 4: { icon: '/themes/custom/jiobp/assets/images/icons/map-locator-pin.svg' } }; var i; for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][0], locations[i][1]), map: map, icon: icons[locations[i][2]].icon, }); markersArray.push(marker); map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][0], locations[i][1])); map.setZoom(15); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function (marker, i) { var lName = locations[i][4] var lAdd = locations[i][3] var lLat = locations[i][0] var lLon = locations[i][1] return function () {infowindow.setContent('

' + lName + '

' + lAdd + '

Get Direction'); //infowindow.setContent('

' + lName + '

' + lAdd + '

'); infowindow.open(map, marker); } })(marker, i)); } locations = [];} reset_btn.addEventListener("click", function () { window.location.reload(); //form__results.classList.add("d-none"); //form__inputs.classList.remove("d-none"); //form__resetSec.classList.add("d-none"); });

  • Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (73)


  • Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (74)


  • Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (75)


  • Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (76)


Connect with Us

Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (77)

Customer Care

1800-891-9023 (toll free)

Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (78)

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Check Fuel Prices

Check fuel price for the day, across any Jio-bp Mobility Station.

*For RO Id, refer your last transaction bill.

SMS RSP (Space) 4 digit RO ID* to 9223030003

Locate Jio-bp Fuel Station, EV Charging Stations - Jio-bp (2024)


How many EV charging stations does BP have? ›

And aiming to roll out more than 100,000 charging points globally by 2030. We've already made great strides, with around 35,700 charge points switched on worldwide.

How many Jio-BP petrol pumps are there in India? ›

Jio-BP which has 1700 fuel retail outlets currently, will expand it by another 250, by the end of 2024, taking it to a total of 1950. Jio-BP outlets are set up by Reliance BP Mobility Limited (RBML), a joint venture between Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and BP.

Who is the owner of Jio-BP? ›

Jio-bp, or legally Reliance BP Mobility Limited, is an Indian oil and gas company, owned by Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL). It is based in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

What is Jio-BP pulse? ›

What is Jio-bp pulse Charge? Jio-bp pulse charge application allows you to locate and navigate to nearest charging point. Easily start charging, view live charging status and pay via multiple payment options.

Is bp pulse charging free? ›

Just top-up at least £5 in your account to start a charge. * When you download the bp pulse app and register and upgrade to a full bp pulse membership subscription (£7.85 inc VAT per month), we'll give you your first month's subscription free, plus a £9 charging credit each month for the following 5 months.

Who owns bp petrol company? ›

Is BP Owned by the British? BP is a British company, headquartered in London, U.K., but it is not owned by the government. It is a publicly owned company whose shares trade on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

What is the minimum investment for Jio-bp? ›

Jio BP petrol pump dealership franchise investment:

Minimum investment of ₹2 crore for the dealership.

What is the concept of Jio-bp? ›

Jio-bp is envisaged to create a digitally empowered and connected world for customers to meet and exceed their present and future requirements of fuels and beyond.

Which company owns Jio? ›

Jio Platforms Limited is an Indian multinational technology company, headquartered in Mumbai. It is a subsidiary of Reliance Industries. Established in 2019, it acts as a holding company for India's largest mobile network operator, Jio, and other digital businesses of Reliance.

Who is CEO of Jio? ›

CEO:Reliance JIO Media PVT LTD, Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd.

What is the full form of Jio? ›

Jio Full Form - Can be "Joint Implementation Opportunity". Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited or JIo India is an LTE (Long Term Evolution) mobile network operator. Is the most preferred SIM operator in India.

How much does EV charging cost? ›

This is a payable service, hence, the question comes, “What is the EV charging station cost per charge?” You will need to pay ₹20 to 22 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) to avail the service. Read more about the EV charging rates in India in the section below.

What is the cost of charging a 4 kWh battery in India? ›

Charging Cost of Electric Cars

For instance, Electric Car Charging Cost in charging stations in Delhi is, on average, around Rs 4 per kWh, whereas domestic rates can be anywhere between Rs 2 to Rs 9 per unit.

Is bp EV charging profitable? ›

The company says it expects returns from its EV charging and convenience stores operations to exceed 15% and create $1.5 billion in earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation by 2025.

Who has the most EV charging stations in the world? ›

With 1.76 million charging points, China accounts for almost two thirds of the world's public charging infrastructure, but, due to its huge electric vehicle fleet, the country only ranks third in terms of chargers per EV on the road.

Who installs bp pulse chargers? ›

With over 10 years' experience in the electric vehicle (EV) space, bp pulse is one of the only companies in the UK to build, operate, install and maintain electric charging points.

Is a bp pulse subscription worth it? ›

One of the best is BP Pulse's full membership thanks to its 9,000 charge points, including 3,000 rapid and ultra-rapid chargers, dotted across the UK. Whether you're using a standard public charger or a rapid charger, you'll always pay less for your electricity than a non-member, too.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

Last Updated:

Views: 5932

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.